CARE Project
Originally funded by a major gift to our congregation, CARE was organized in 2003 as a way of more effectively engaging our local community. After initial needs assessment we began an expansion of our small, emergency-only food pantry. With the help of other neighborhood churches, we organized and hosted an annual block party. For several years we distributed "Christmas at Home" food and gift boxes, to local needy families, and offered limited financial assistance for families referred to us by Love, Inc.
In 2009 we decided to narrow our focus and concentrate on what seemed to be the most efficient way to help the largest number of needy families. With the economic downturn, the direction seemed clear... We would limit our services to a monthly food program.
Currently, we offer food assistance through our own Food Pantry, as well as serving as a USDA food distribution site for The Community Food Bank. The twice-a-month distributions are staffed by volunteers from our congregation and the community.
The Community Food Bank distribution is the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9 AM–11 AM. This is available for anyone living in Fresno.
Our Food Pantry is open the 4th Saturday of each month from 9 AM–11 AM (and for emergencies). Since this food assistance program is an outreach ministry of our congregation, resources are limited. Food Pantry assistance is only available to families in our immediate neighborhood.
In addition to our food assistance programs, we have a Clothes Closet. Again, since our supply is limited to donations, we limit access to needy families from our immediate neighborhood.